After School Program
The school-age After School Program is open to SMNS graduates & other community members up to the fifth grade. We provide snack, homework help, art and varied activities and free play each day from 3-6pm.
The After School children are separated from the early education classrooms. Their play is significantly different and they need the time and space to work on their own cognitive, emotional and physical development.
SMNS teachers pick up After School children from a limited number of local public and private schools. Arrangement for after school pick up must be made directly with the SMNS administration. Some locations require additional fees; and SMNS’ capacity to pick children up at schools is dependent on staffing capacity.
Summer Camp
Our school-age After School Program ends the Friday of the week that public schools end. Once public schools are out, SMNS offers a school-age summer camp that children can enroll in weekly. In this program we playfully collaborate on group projects and creations, visit local attractions, take walks/hikes, play games and welcome visitors to our site. Some Summer activities might include Greensgrow West & Kei’s Mobile Food Facts workshops, Fairmount Park hikes, Free Library of Philadelphia and of course water play activities! This camp is available for Rising first graders through rising 5th graders and is mixed age. Visit the Summer Camp Program page for more details.