Pay Tuition Now

Credit Card and Online Payments

SMNS accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. SMNS uses Stripe to process all of its credit card transactions; your credit card information is always encrypted and is never saved on our server.

Pay online or call 215-386-0321 to pay by Credit Card over the phone.

Other Payment Options

Make payments through on-line banking

Establish Account for Saint Mary’s Nursery School

Address: 3916 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104; phone number: 215-386-0321

Account Number should reflect the family name of the payer.

Automatic payment through checking account

You may set up automatic payments by downloading the ACH form and completing the required information. Return completed form to SMNS, 3916 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, or fax to 215-386-9290, or email to

Tuition Obligation

SMNS is a year round program.  SMNS requires that all parents contract a place for their child for the 10-month academic year from September 1, through June 30.  July and August are a separate contract with more flexible terms.

Unless specifically excused by the Director, families are responsible for the entire tuition required under their enrollment plan even if the child does not complete the school year.

Monthly tuition rates are based on the total ten-month operational cost of the program. Tuition is billed on a monthly basis and issued through email.

Tuition is due by the fifth of every month. Please note that full tuition will be charged for the times you indicated, even if your child misses due to illness, vacations, or any other reason. Any exceptions to this rule can only be made by the director.

Payment of Tuition

Tuition may be paid by cash, check, direct deposit and all major credit cards. Processing fees for Credit Cards and Check Card payments may apply.


You may pay tuition three months in advance to receive a 3% discount on the tuition charged.

Early/Advance Tuition Payment – All tuition accounts paid in full prior to the 2nd day will receive a $5 discount.


Tuition paid for contracted period is not refundable.

If tuition payment is in excess of contracted amount, a refund will be issued for the amount in excess of the contracted tuition amount.  Refunds may be issued via the following methods:

  • Check (Issued to name on tuition account – requirements: current address)
  • Credit Card refund (requirements: name on credit card, card number, expiration date, CID, billing address with ZIP)
  • ACH direct deposit (requirements: name of account holder, bank name and address, checking account number, bank routing number)